All Type Car Parking Shades Available in Dubai

Finding the right type of car parking shades in Dubai suitable for your needs can be overwhelming with the variety available. To make it easier, here is an overview of the different types of car parking shades available in Dubai:

Canopy Parking Shade:

Canopy parking shades are one of the most popular choices for car parks in Dubai as they provide minimal obstruction to sunlight, yet offer maximum protection from direct sunshine. These structures come with a single-layered canvas material that ensures no sun angle gets through, providing complete protection from UV radiation and heat buildup.

Mesh Parking Shade:

Mesh parking shades are another great option for your car park in Dubai as they are designed to reduce glare reflection and direct sunlight. The shade’s design consists of a two-layer fabric which allows air to pass through without blocking out direct sunlight or UV protection. In addition, mesh canopies are also very easy to maintain compared to other types of parking shades due to their breathability and durability features.

Awning Parking Shade:

awning car parking shades

Awning parking shade structures stand tall at 4m height, making them ideal if you want additional clearance when entering into your undercover area. They feature a durable frame that offers stability and support so it won’t collapse during windy days but also keeps away most rain and snow accumulation which can leave water spots on your vehicles if left out in the open.

Cabana Parking Shade:

cabana car parking shades

Cabana parking shade structures are unique combination between tent and canopy style shading systems, providing you with optimum resilience against strong winds, dust storms and even hail stones if necessary! It usually requires professional installation but once that’s done, rest assured knowing all your cars will remain protected from extreme weather conditions at all times.

Rear Mounted Drip Curb Parking Shade:

For those looking for simple solutions for covering their vehicle parked outside their house or garage rear mounted drip curb parking shades come as prime choice in Dubai due its ease installability and economical nature than other larger scale carparking options .The main purpose of such constructions is not only protect nearby walls or roofs from rain or moisture accumulation but also provide some privacy from inquisitive neighbors while loading unloading cargo items conveniently In conclusion, there is an array of types of car parking shades available in Dubai – each offering a unique level of protection depending on your specific requirements and environment. With these details in mind, surely you’ll find car park shade coverings suitable for your needs!

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